Academic Integrity Policy

Rosa Parks Elementary School

Academic Integrity Policy


IB Standards

Culture 3.1: The school implements and reviews an academic integrity policy that makes the school's philosophy clear and is aligned with IB guidelines. (0301-03- 0100)


Culture 3.2: The school clearly describes in its academic integrity policy the rights and responsibilities of all members of the school community, what constitutes good practice and misconduct, and the actions that are to be taken if there are transgressions. (0301-03-0200)


Culture 3.3: The school articulates responsibilities for teaching a variety of practices related to academic integrity, and reflects its five fundamentals: honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility. (0301-03-0300)



At Rosa Parks Elementary School, we believe students should develop a principled mindset when it comes to academic integrity. As a community, we model how to show respect and honor for the ideas of others. Collaboration is essential to our community as it is a combination of authentic individual ideas that evolve into a compilation of ideas. We believe this acquisition of knowledge begins with a purposeful attitude of respect and honesty. All teachers, students, and parents engage in this responsibility to ensure academic integrity extends beyond the elementary setting.


Role of the Students

Students will receive adequate instruction about why and how to honor and respect others’ ideas. Students will be offered opportunities to practice different ways to acknowledge others for their work. When researching, students are expected to follow the guideline of proper citation and evaluation of sources. Students are expected to use the knowledge of academic integrity that they acquired from class into their individual assignments and group activities. The goal for students is to exercise their independence with technology in a creative, safe, and honorable manner.


Role of the Teachers

Teachers are models for academic honesty. Teachers must offer clear and relevant opportunities for students to understand and honor academic honesty. The opportunities offered to students will emphasize the correct and responsible methods of honoring sources and ideas that are not original. Teachers teach lessons in digital citizenship and the PWCS Code of Conduct in regards to academic honesty. The objective is that the class community is built on honesty and fairness so that students will feel comfortable sharing their individual ideas and to become active participants in their collaborative experiences. Academic honesty must a part of the daily routine within the class community.


Role of the School Community

The school community is made up of representatives within the school. The school community continuously revises this policy to meet needs of our school. The collaboration on this policy ensures the consistency and clarity of the expectations throughout Rosa Parks Elementary School. Families have access to the academic integrity policy on our school website. The policy is available on our website in many different languages in order to ensure all members of our school community understand the academic integrity.

Educational Opportunities and Support

Teachers and students will…

  • Review the policy as class communities are being established
  • Highlight the learner profile attributes
  • Demonstrate the appropriate way to site sources amongst all disciplines
  • Demonstrate proper citation, especially during the PYP Exhibition
  • Model principled academic behaviors


Grade Level expectations


I can share where I got my ideas.


I can share where I got my ideas.

1st Grade

I can show where my ideas came from. I can name the person or text where my information came from.

2nd Grade

I can show where my ideas came from. I can name the person or text where my information came from.

3rd Grade

I can share ideas in my own words and can cite where my ideas came from. I can name the person or text where my information came from.

4th Grade

I can share ideas in my own words and can cite where my ideas came from. I can name the person or text where my information came from.

5th Grade

I can share ideas in my own words and can cite where my ideas came from. I can name the person or text where my information came from.


Procedures for reporting, recording, and monitoring

The development of the class community will provide students with a tiered approach of how to report academic dishonesty and the consequences for individuals act in academic dishonesty. The tiered approach begins with a teacher-student informal conference, then leads to communication with parents and students, and the last level is a conference with school administrators, teachers, students, and parents. Teachers can report a student’s academic dishonesty to the school administrators after two infractions and teachers have spoken to the student and parents.


Access to Policy and Complaint Procedures

Our IB policies are accessible to the school community on the Rosa Parks Elementary School Website under the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program tab on the site. Our website makes this documentation available in multiple languages. Printed copies will be made available by request in numerous languages.




Revised, May 2023